ADAC GT Masters·19.4.2022

Madpanda Motorsport announces driver duo for its first season

The first Spanish team in the German GT Championship lines up with two experienced GT drivers in 2022. This season, team principal Ezequiel Companc (27/Argentina) and junior Jannes Fittje (Langenhain) will be at the wheel of the #90 Mercedes-AMG GT3 Evo.

Fittje made his ADAC GT Masters debut in 2020 and has contested two full seasons in a Porsche 911 GT3 R. This year, the 22-year-old has switched to a Mercedes-AMG and has his sights set on winning the Pirelli Junior competition: “I am very much looking forward to working with Madpanda Motorsport. I believe they have a really good, fast car. We have a strong team and are well prepared. The main goal for this season is to challenge for victory in the Pirelli Junior competition. I can hardly wait to get back out on the track!”

Team principal Ezequiel Companc returns to the German GT Championship after three years away, and is excited about the season ahead: “It is great to have Jannes on board. He is a really good addition to the team. I am looking forward to working with him and getting some good results. I can hardly wait to finally start in the ADAC GT Masters again after three years!"